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The HUMMER Network

Virus Information

FREE Virus Scanners:

FREE Anti-virus Software:

Microsoft's Malicious Software Removal Tool


There are several levels of protection which keep viruses from going out over the mailingl lists. If, however, a list member has addresses of other list members stored in an address book, and/or has saved messages received from the list, and becomes infected with a virus, the virus will send copies of itself to those addresses, fellow list members. In this way, viruses can be spread from one list member to others outside the list itself. This is why it is important for anyone belonging to any mailing list to be conscientious about keeping free of viruses.

The most common email-bourne viruses forge or fake the "From:" address in the messages in which they send out copies of themselves. This means that, if you receive a message containing a virus, it did not actually come from the e-mail address it says it's "From". You might even see the list posting address or list-owner's address in the "From:" line of a message containing a virus. It did not actually come from the list or the list-owner. REAL list mail will never have an attachment. If you receive a message which appears to have come from the list but it has an attachment, it IS a virus. DO NOT click on the attachment!

Virus authors have recently found ways to defeat virus protection. This means that, if you do have up-to-date virus protection on your computer, it is no longer a guarantee that an e-mail attachment is "safe". It could still be a virus! Be extremely cautious about clicking on any e-mail attachment unless you know who it's from and are expecting it. If in doubt, check with the sender before opening the attachment.