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The Arizona Hummer Meet
and Groundhog Hunt
Feb. 1-2, 1997

Lauren and I arrived at the meeting/camping area (3 miles north of Winkelman, Az.) around 1:30 pm on Friday. Terry & Lynn McClanahan and Chris Palma arrived about 15 minutes later. Ron & Kathy Bomhoff arrived about an hour and a half after that. Then we waited. It was after dark before a HUGE convoy arrived with people from Phoenix and L.A.

By Saturday morning, there were enough folks on hand to do a run with 15 Hummers. I missed this run, but they went through Copper Creek and Turkey Creek in the northern part of the beautiful Galiuro Mountains. They passed "Rug Hill", ran out of road and ended up in Klondike, Az. They made it through to Globe, Az. where they overwhelmed a gas station. They didn't make it back to base camp until 9:30 pm. The sight of all those Hummers arriving at night was truly awesome. The cookout had started long before, but continued well after. The elk and antelope burgers (thanks, Eb) were great, as was the salmon. Rick from Vegas brought some steaks and chicken, and Brandon brought a 20-lb. turkey.

There was a short run on Sunday morning up Ash Creek. We played in the river for a while, then another run was accomplished through Box Canyon as the Phoenix and L.A. people headed back.

The only mechanical problems reported were minimal and easily fixable. Someone had a blowout during the Copper Creek run, but Brandon whipped out his power tools and had the wheel changed in 9 minutes! Rick from Vegas had fuel pump problems on his way in on Saturday (he arrived too late to join that day's run). Once everyone got back from Copper Creek, his problem was quickly diagnosed. At first thought to be a relay problem, on Sunday Dave Lane and Gerald Luiz determined that it was simply a bad connection at the fuel pump fuse that was easily fixed with WD-40 and a BBQ brush. Rick later reported that the fuse was bad. After replacing it, Rick's truck was back to normal.

The weather was perfect. Lots of sunshine with highs in the mid to high 70's. I repeatedly attempted to take credit for that.

Now for some photos:

Trucks on the beach.

A couple of "overhead" views from the hill above.

On a run up Ash Creek.

Fording the Gila River (as seen from inside our Hummer).

Dan Bolander attempts the more difficult approach.